The top end of the 2020 class of Kentucky prospects is well known by now but there are still a handful of D1 prospects out there who are yet to report offers or their offer lists don't reflect the type of prospect he is, in my humble opinion of course.
Level: FBS/G5
Offers: Austin Peay, Bryant University, Eastern Kentucky, Murray State, SEMO, Youngstown State, Wofford.
Level: FBS/G5
Offers: None
Ok so Lukes is from Indiana but he's a ten minute drive over the bridge from Louisville so I put him in here.
Level: FBS/G5
Offers: William & Mary
Offers: Austin Peay, Kentucky State, VMI
Level: G5/FCS
Offers: Austin Peay/ Morehead State
Level: FBS/G5
Offers: Air Force, SEMO, So. Ill, Murray State
Level: FBS/G5
Offers: Air Force, Eastern Illinois, Jacksonville State, Morehead State,
Level: FCS
Offers: Morehead State/William & Mary
Level: FBS/G5
Offers: None
Level: FCS
Offers: Navy
Level: FCS
Offers: Illinois State, UT-Martin
Level: FCS
Offers: Youngstown State
Level: FCS
Offers: William & Mary
Level: FCS
Offers: Morehead State
Level: FCS
Offers: Austin Peay
Level: FCS
Offers: None
Level: FCS
Offers: Cornell
Level: FCS
Offers: Morehead State
Level: FCS
Offers: Austin Peay
Level: FCS
Offers: None
Level: FCS
Offers: Eastern Illinois, SEMO
Level: FCS
Offers: None
Level: FCS
Offers: None